PoTT Personalisation Of Thrombosis Treatment
The PoTT (Personalisation of Thrombosis Treatment) project aims to develop a reliable, fast, and easy-to-use device, HemCare, that enables healthcare providers to accurately measure a patient’s blood clotting and the balance between coagulation and anticoagulation. By offering personalised anticoagulation dosing based on precise measurements, HemCare will significantly reduce the risks associated with incorrect thrombosis medication. The project involves a consortium of partners, including 2M Engineering, Coagulation Profile B.V., FOCE Technology, and Maastricht University, and focuses on creating a commercial product that improves patient care in primary healthcare settings, supporting personalisation of thrombosis treatment approaches.
Programma: OPZuid
Thrombosis: A Leading Cause of Death in the Netherlands
Thrombosis is one of the leading causes of death in the Netherlands, with 1 in 4 people succumbing to this condition. Over the coming years, the number of individuals at risk for thrombosis is expected to rise due to a growing and aging population, as well as increasing risk factors such as obesity, cancer, and COVID-19 infection.
Challenges in Thrombosis Medication Dosing
Patients at high risk for thrombosis are commonly treated with anticoagulant medication. However, research has shown that one-third of patients receive incorrect doses of these medications, potentially leading to fatal consequences. Current treatment protocols determine dosage based on factors such as patient weight, kidney function, or drug level measurements, providing only an indirect and often inaccurate picture of how the medication is affecting an individual patient. There is currently no accurate blood test that healthcare providers can easily use to determine the optimal, personalized dose for each patient.
Need for a Simple, Accurate Testing Device
There is a growing demand for a simple, easy-to-use device that can be implemented in primary care settings (such as general practitioners and thrombosis clinics) to precisely measure blood clotting and the balance between coagulation and anticoagulation in patients. With this information, medication doses can be fine-tuned for each patient, and healthcare providers can perform direct assessments of a patient’s risk for thrombosis. An optimally personalized treatment could significantly reduce the risk of thrombosis-related events, such as heart attacks or strokes.
Developing HemCare: A New Solution for Personalized Thrombosis Care
In this project, a consortium from the province of Brabant and Limburg will develop a highly reliable, fast, and accessible testing device called HemCare. This point of care medical device will measure the coagulation and anticoagulation balance in patients.
2M Engineering will serve as the lead partner, responsible for developing both the hardware and software, as well as overseeing the industrialization of HemCare. Coagulation Profile B.V. will develop the reagent kits and provide expertise on the analytical methods, while FOCE Technology International B.V. will design the system architecture and mathematical analysis methods, bringing its specialization in fluorescence to the project. The Maastricht University will conduct clinical trials, with direct involvement from clinicians, patients, and thrombosis care providers.
From Development to Commercialization
The PoTT (Personalisation of Thrombosis Treatment) project will be validated and demonstrated in real-world practice, advancing from Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5 to TRL 8. By the end of the project, a blueprint for a commercial product will be ready. This collaborative effort, bringing together a range of specialists, will ensure the successful development of the HemCare device.
Contributing to the Health Transition in Southern Netherlands
This project supports the health transition outlined in the regional policy for Southern Netherlands. Specifically, it contributes to the theme of ‘personalization,’ as this innovative testing method enables highly personalised treatments for a large group of patients.
2M Engineering Limited – Valkenswaard
FOCE B.V. – Maria Hoop
Coagulation Profile B.V. – Maastricht